no you can't,it tells you when you trade from the sp to ds.
You can only trade pokemon from your sp to ds and once traded to the ds can not be returned to your sp
no you can only trade using a game boy to a game boy with the link cable.
you have to have 2 ds or game boy advanced. and go to the trading center and trade with your friend
No, you have to have 2 Nintendo DS's to be able to trade but you do get an a attachment for you're DS that allows you to plug it into the DS card slot and have two DS card slot's
Pokemon is for the Nintendo game family
First of all pokebay is a website where you trade Pokemon with other people and send messages to them. To trade pokemons you need to have a Pokemon game on Nintendo DS. Once you catch them you put them on your pokebay and you can trade pokemons with other people.
There is no input slot for it, so sadly, no.
There is no input slot for it, so sadly, no.
no you can only trade using a game boy to a game boy with the link cable.
no no You can migrate Pokemon from any GBA game to Diamond or Pearl, but not trade. you still get the Pokemon on diamond but you will not put new Pokemon in red
You can with a normal link cable
connect two gameboy advanced with the link cable or the wireless router (available from order off Nintendo) and then go to the top floor of a Pokemon center and go to the trade center. PS this will not work if you have your Gameboy game is in the Nintendo DS
You can trade pokémon by using a link cable between your GBA sp / GBA.
You have to trade it from a 3rd gen game (which gets it from a Nintendo Event).
yes. You can as long as there are 2 emerald game paks or if there are 2 Nintendo ds game cards in which you migrate to one dimond or pearl then trade to the other.
get all the Pokemon on diamondcatch them or trade off another Pokemon game
It's not in that game. You have to cheat or get it with the Nintendo Event (which is closed actually). You could trade a Pokemon for it, in another game, which is also possible.
It's Arceus. And you can only get it through a Nintendo event, trade, or game hack.