yes you can but you cant trade from pearl , diamond , platinum , soul silver , heart gold to Pokemon black & white
u go to pal park in Pokemon diamon pearl or platinum and then u trade to hg or ss which ever u have
To transfer a Pokemon to Pokemon soul silver or heart gold you have to transfer it to platinum, diamond, or pearl first. Then you are going to need another DS. Put platinum, diamond, or pearl inside one DS(depending on which one you put the Pokemon in), and SS or HG in the other. You can trade regularly between those generations of games. Hope this helped.
it is not possible to trade Pokemon with DS and GBA. you may if you have diamond, pearl, hg, ss, platinum you can MIGRATE Pokemon from GBA games to DS games. this can be done in the main menu under "Migrate From (name of your game)" example: Migrate From Firered or Leafgreen.
You can't, Empoleon doesn't occur naturally in HG or SS. The only way to get one is to trade a Piplup, Prinplup or Empoleon from Pearl, Diamond or Platinum to HG/SS.
transfer from diamond pearl platinum HG SS
You have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. You can't evolve Eevee into it in HG/SS.
if you have it on HG, SS, Diamond, Pearl or Platinum yes
The only way to get the Sinnoh starters in Pokemon HG/SS is to trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
trade from platinum,diamond or pearl. GTS. it can't be caught within HG/SS yet
trade from pearl/diamond/platinum
You can trade them from one game to the other, but you can't migrate them like you could from third gen games.
if you are asking if you transfer Pokemon from HG/SS/Platinum/Pearl/Diamond to Pokemon black and white will they be gone from HG/SS/Platinum/Pearl/Diamond then the answer is yes.
Sadly, you can't get Arceus in HeartGold or SoulSilver. The only way to have it in HG/SS is to trade it from either Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
Pokemon heart gold
Get a friend to trade you a Glaceon from Pok'emon Platinum, Diamond, or Pearl. Either that or you could use an Action Replay. (NOTE: Use the AC at your own risk. It may damage your game or worse!)
You can't get mew with out a cheat in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. Ilikpie221: Yes you can. Trade it from HG/SS because there recently was a Fall'10 event.
You cannot capture Rotom is HG or SS. The only way to get one and unlock the special room in Silph Co. is to trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.