no... you can't get the actual Pokemon. There is a Pokemon sign, though. In the cave level, when you're next to victreebell, turn around and take a picture of the constellation thingy.
Switching Pokemon doesn't work. Simply use a potion, or snap into the mic. If done right, your Pokemon will either attack and not hurt itself, or snap out.
When you have taken enough pictures, Professor Oak will award you with The "Dash Engine." I've defeated Pokemon Snap nine times.
BulbasaurCharmanderCharmeleonCharizardSquirtleMetapodButterfreeKakunaPidgeyPikachuSandshrewSandslashVulpixJigglypuffZubatVileplumeDiglettDugtrioMeowthPsyduckMankeyGrowlitheArcaninePoliwagWeepinbellVictreebelGeodudeGravelerRapidashSlowpokeSlowbroMagnemiteMagnetonDoduoGrimerMukShellderCloysterHaunterElectrodeKoffingChanseyKangaskhanGoldeenStaryuStarmieScytherJynxElectabuzzMagmarMagikarpGyaradosLaprasDittoEeveePorygonSnorlaxArticunoZapdosMoltresDratiniDragoniteMewAll Pokemon
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No, Pokemon Snap has only come out for the Nintendo64 system.
Switching Pokemon doesn't work. Simply use a potion, or snap into the mic. If done right, your Pokemon will either attack and not hurt itself, or snap out.
They're the huge landmarks that look like Pokemon, for instance the desert map there's that Dugtrio on the way in, snap a picture, show it to Oak and he'll tell you that was a sign. The one in the cave is in a crack, you will see some shinies and when you take a picture it will look like Mewtwo.
Pokemon Stadium Pokemon Stadium 2 Hey You, Pikachu! Pokemon Puzzle League Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Snap was a Pokemon game released for the Nintendo 64. It included only the first 151 Pokemon. The goal was to use your camera to take pictures of different Pokemon.
Pokemon snap or Pokemon emerald
Try in the Valley.
No. Its a myth.
Snap. Snap, snappity,snap,snap.