The only way to can get a pin is to:
Go to Walmart, Game-Stop, or Toys 'R Us
Ask one of the employees and ask them "Where are the Roblox Cards?"
They'll give you the location.
Go to that location, get the ROBLOX Card, bring it to a cashier, buy it.
Go home, scratch off the cover that's covering the pin number, Login to ROBLOX or if you don't have an account, Register an account.
Go to
Type in the Pin Number, it will tell you that you got Builders Club.
click start and the go on all programs and then leave your mouse on roblox then roblox studio will show up
Builderman. Builderman is everyones 1st friend on roblox roblox is broken now but it will fix soon. if you go on roblox it will show up a really bad BAD BAD ERROR.
Roblox is an online game that was marketed toward children and teenagers from the ages 8 to 18. The URL will not show on the Roblox shirt, the only way to tell is that the Roblox shirt will turn into a admin shirt.
ROBLOX Quotes are like any Quotes " "
Shoot me an email and I will show you how.
Yeah. they probably wont want to though.
Pins are used for many things. Some penguins put on their oldest pin to show how old they are (I have the microphone). Some penguins put on their favorite pin to personalize their player card. Or they change their pins to whats current.
click start and the go on all programs and then leave your mouse on roblox then roblox studio will show up
It is in roblox in some games.
Builderman. Builderman is everyones 1st friend on roblox roblox is broken now but it will fix soon. if you go on roblox it will show up a really bad BAD BAD ERROR.
Roblox is an online game that was marketed toward children and teenagers from the ages 8 to 18. The URL will not show on the Roblox shirt, the only way to tell is that the Roblox shirt will turn into a admin shirt.
ROBLOX Quotes are like any Quotes " "
Yes it will.
Shoot me an email and I will show you how.
Builderman,Telamon,ROBLOX duuhhh,Thegamer101,Tadcool.They are some famous people in roblox.P.S:Person who made this answer has profile in roblox named "manymanyeah".