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Sadly no. He works by time which is a day, maybe there COULD be an AR (action replay code but I don't know because I haven't found any for it.

i am waiting for Kurt to make me a GS ball right now to get celebi. it is taking for ever but i think that may work but as far as i know u have to wait till its day by where you are because the Ds knows the real time

reseting the time doesnt work

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Q: Can you run to make Kurt finish the poke ball faster?
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Kurt can not mak a master ball unless you hav an action replay code to make him make master balls

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All right all the pokeballs Kurt can make are: Fast ball, level ball, friend ball, heavy ball, lure ball, love ball, moon ball.

Can curt make a master ball in soul silver?

No, Kurt cannot make a Master Ball.

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Give a Yellow Apricorn to Kurt and he'll make you a moon ball.

How long does it take for Kurt to make a Poke Ball?

24 hours

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"Get on the ball and finish" is an idiom of "try harder" and "make an effort". Example: Sam really needs to get on the ball and finish his homework!

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u have Kurt make it (in azalea)

To make quick balls in Pokemon soul silver?

go to Kurt in azalea town and give him a white apricorn and wait a day for him to finish and he'll make you a fast ball

Can Kurt make a gs ball?

no I've never heard of it online of a apricorn making that kind of poke ball

Where do you get fast balls on Pokemon Crystal?

you'll need a white apricorn to make fast ball, then go to Kurt to make it a fast ball.

Where to find a fast ball in soul silver?

You have to give Kurt (in Azalea Town) an Apricorn PokeBall and he'll turn it into a Fast Ball. It suppose to take 24hrs/ 1day for Kurt to make it.