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yes. you can rebattle all legendary Pokemon. you just need to defeat the Pokemon league first, and they will come back to life.

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Q: Can you rebattle Lugia if you defeated him?
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How do you re battle Lugia in Pokemon soul silver with no AR?

you can rebattle lugia after defeating the elite four. please... save before you confront him this time.

After fainting the red Gyarados can you rebattle it?

no you cant... you save befor you battle it....yes you can rebattle it in heart gold and in soul silver, i defeated it... but then i got to rebattle itok lets say you have defeated the red gyrados or your Pokemon fainted or you ran and so it dissapeared well after beating the elite 4 you can rebattle the red gyrados he/she will be in the same spot!!!

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you can only rebattle gym leaders when you have defeated the elite four, check your match call on the pokenav when you have

You accidentally killed Lugia in Pokemon heart gold and your little brother saved the game after you killed it Is there any way that you can rebattle it?

There is a possible way. First you must defeat the elite 4 again. Then return to the whirl islands to catch lugia. Glad I could help!

Can you catch hoho in Pokemon heartgold if you defeated him the first time?

if you use the action replay rebattle code you can try to battle it again or try to catch it

On Pokemon emerald using game shark is there a rebattle lugia code avalible?

I Dont Think So.u spill lyk a returd tri spiling wth bettr grammur prsin abuv my

What dungeon is Lugia in?

Lugia is on the 99th floor of Silver Trench. To unlock that dungeon though, you must have befriended Ho-Oh. To befriend Ho-Oh, you must have defeated Rayquaza.

Can you get Ho-oh once you defeated it?

yes. you just have to leave and a day later he is there again same as lugia in ss

How do you rebattle gym leaders in Pokemon White?

You cannot rebattle Gym Leader in Pokemon White.

How do you rebattle regigigus in Pokemon platinum?

you'd need a rebattle reggigias cheat from action replay if you have one.

Can you rebattle Giratina in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot rebattle legendary pokemon. (Correction, Giratina is on Platinum ONLY)

Can you rebattle gym leaders in Pokemon dimond?

No, however, in Pokemon Platinum, it is possible to rebattle gym leaders at the Survival Area.