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You actually can! You have to romance them until they become your best friend and then there is an option called propose! Have fun ;)

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Q: Can you propose in 2 player in sims 2?
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Can you propose on 2 player for sims 2?

only on 1 player

How do you get your sim to propose on sims free play?

Well it depends on what version of the sims you are playing. On the Sims 2 pc, the sims have to be in love for you to choose the option to propose engagement. There is no option to propose on the Sims 2 Nintindo DS. Most Sims 2 wii and p2p games you cannot propose. Although for Sims 2 xbox you can propose and get married but you cannot have children or age. The Sims 3 pc you can propose, marry, have children, the whole deal. Sims 2 Castaway you can propose after you go through the whole story line and go into freeplay. In freeplay you can propose after your sim is in love. That's about all I know. Happy simming!

How do you propose in the sims 2 for PSP?

Sadly, you can not propose on sims 2 psp only flirt. ---Crystal Neko--- (=^.^=)

How do you get proposed in sims 2?

An uncontrollable Sim cannot propose in the Sims 2. So have your guy or girl Sim propose.

How 2 get married in sims 2 psp?

you get your Sims to like each then you click propose

How do boy sims propose to girl sims on sims 2 PSP?

The maid should tell you...

Can girls propose to girls on sim's?

On sims 2 and 3 you can. I'm not sure about sims 1.

Why can't you propose to a Sim that you're required to for the Sims 2 on ps2?

you cant marrie any body if your playind 2 player exept the othere person

Can sims get married on The Sims 2 for psp?

Yes you can but you have to be a boy and propose.

How do you propose on sims 2?

1.You have to have two adult sims in love. 2.Click on the sim your sim loves there should be something that's says propose. 3.Click propose then click engagment then there will be a little video of your proposing to the other sim.

How do you propose in sims 2?

click on the sim, and if u have high enough relation ship, click propose, then engagement

Sims 2 psp- can you be a girl and still propose to a boy?
