This depends on your system specifications; if it doesn't meet the requirements, then no. If it meets the requirements or exceeds them, then it should.
Almost all games being released still support Windows XP.
Last Chaos requires the Windows Vista or XP operating systems to run. It will not work with Mac OS X. If you have a modern Mac with an Intel processor you can install Windows on the Mac and then play Last Chaos.
Luna Online is currently only for Windows XP/Vista. However, you can play Luna Online on a Mac by using Boot Camp.
no you cant you can only play it in windows XP
the game was made to run in windows 95/98 although there is a xp patch around.
Yes, it runs fine on XP.
you can only play on windows xp or higher.
Yes, you can.
how about u google it?
with dosbox
No games were ver written explicitly for Windows 2000. Those that do run on it should also run on Windows XP without any problems.
Yes it will work i have windows xp it works fine if ur ram is gud