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With the right controller then yes.

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Q: Can you play super smash bros melee on the wii?
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Can you play Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

You can only play it on the wii P.S SSBM (Super smash bros. melee is for the gamecube SSB (Super smash bros. is for theN64)

Where can you play Super Smash Bros. brawl?

You can only play it on the wii P.S SSBM (Super smash bros. melee is for the gamecube SSB (Super smash bros. is for theN64)

Can you play as Mario in Super Smash Bros Melee?

Yes he's in every single super smash bros

Where can you play Super Smash Bros. brawl without the wii?

PC you can only play super smash bros melee on the gamecube

How do you unlock wario in Super Smash Bros melee?

You cannot play as Wario in Super Smash Bros. Melee. However, Wario is an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the sequel released for the Wii.

How do you get to play as the hand in Super Smash Bros Melee?

You can't!

Can you play as boo in Super Smash Bros Melee?

Unfortunately, no.

Can you play as crazy hand on Super Smash Bros Melee?


How do you unlock poke floats in Super Smash Bros. melee?

Play 600 melee's.

Can you play as crazy hand in Super Smash Bros. melee?

No you cannot