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yes just go to then follow the steps from there yes just go to then follow the steps from there

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Q: Can you play mercenaries 1 on Xbox 360?
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Can you play portal 1 on xbox 360?

Yes. It is an Xbox 360 game.

Can you play Xbox 360 games on the Xbox 1?

Yes, you can.

Can you play halo and Halo 2 on the Xbox 360 arcade?

No you need the hard drive and xbox live to play xbox 1 games

Can mercenaries 1 play on xbox 360?

Yes if your hard drive has the prt 2 if it plays it does if it doesn't u go to GameStop and ask for a new hard drive and u need xboxlive to get the update to play it also

Can halo 1 play on a Xbox360?

Yes you can play Halo 1 on your Xbox 360

What systems can you play halo one two and three on?

Halo 1: Xbox, Xbox 360, & PC Halo 2: Xbox 360, & Windows Vista Halo 3: Xbox 360

What Xbox original games can a Xbox 360 play?

You have Fable 1 GTA SA Halo 1

Play Xbox games on Xbox 360?

Some work like halo 1 and 2

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What Xbox games can you play on Xbox360?

loads of peoples favourite xbox game on xbox 360 are halo 1&2

Can the Xbox 360 connect with the Xbox 1?

Can a xbox 360 connect with gold membership to the xbox 1

How do you play online co-op on Halo 3?

you need 2 profiles with different xbox live accounts on 1 xbox 360 you need 2 profiles with different xbox live accounts on 1 xbox 360