You can purchase a black console table at Amazon or Target. You can also visit larger local furniture retailers that will be likely to have black console tables.
your console can play NZ, AUS and UK but NOT American... i found this out when i bought American games you need a NTSC console or an American console or a mod chip to do this if you dont have one of those you cant play American games
get more than one player than in a party than got to wager match and then gun game
One can play Xbox games on their computer by downloading software such as Xeon and CXBC. They both are available online.By no means is it perfect and there are some glitches but it is an alternative to getting the XBox 360 console.
One advantage a game console has over a PC is that game consoles are less prone to expensive repairs. Another advantage is the number of games you're able to play.
No. Only two player split-screen.
no you could play the campaign one player
It is up to 24 players online, however only one person can play on a single console.
You can purchase a black console table at Amazon or Target. You can also visit larger local furniture retailers that will be likely to have black console tables.
No, but you can do tournaments with 2 people. Well im pretty sure that you cant on that one.
fRom what oi have seem, it is an mmo, so anyone who has a device can play, but i do not believe tou can have more than one player at a time on a console
Yes you can play 2 people online on one console.
I wouldn't play on a modded Xbox because you can get a console suspension which makes your console useless if the XBLPET issues one on your console.
You do not even get to play the Map without the Map Pack on your console. Once it is on your console some players could be restricted from accessing mature games, but otherwise you can play the add ons that are on the console. You can not go online and play someone else's map pack
Maybe your not connected to the internet.