You can play party mode only, no actual multiplayer racing in this racing game.
Yes. As far as I know, the computer version just comes with it. The Xbox 360 version has a downloadable addition that adds bikes.
Burnout 2 in my own opinion is better to play when you feel like actual, normal racing. If you feel like having an aggressive race with a bit more to it, though, then try burnout 3. i.e. play burnout 2 if you like classic racing, otherwise burnout 3.
play through the game
You put it in. It is probably not compatible though.
The game Escape from Paradise requires building a ship. Escape to Paradise is a match 3 game with different kinds of fruit. Level 32 for Escape to Paradise cannot be played until you buy the game.
You can play Burnout Paradise on XBox 360, PS3, or PC.
A friend online on another PS3, X360 or PC.
you have to download the burnout paradise party DLC for 800 points to play locally. You can play pass-the-pad, but you cant play Splitscreen.
Play until you Win
You can play Burnout Paradise on XBox Live if you want, and if you are 13, but you don't have to use XBox Live. In fact, I don't.
you can, or at least you should be able to. Maybe you are having connection problems.
Not directly onto the game, but if you have mp3s on your system you can play them by going to Easydrive --> Soundtrack --> Custom
you can't
The PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game all have online multiplayer. see related link
Yes, you'r save files are located here...C:\Documents and Settings\[YOURNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Criterion Games\Burnout Paradise (Win XP)orC:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Criterion Games\Burnout Paradise\Save (Vista/Win7)Just copy the save files to a flash drive or a different location on your PC so they won't be deleted, and if you want to reinstall Burnout, just drag those files back to where they were originally and you can play where you left off.
You can't. Your on your own, pal.
it lets you play offline party modes with friends, where you take it in turns to complete a challenge, and the person with the best score wins.