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No. You can't upgrade an upgraded weapon. You can; however, go to the weapon box and get another normal weapon (doesn't matter if it's the same type of weapon) and upgrade that normal weapon. For example: you can upgrade a weapon, run out of ammo, go back to the weapon box, get the same weapon again but in normal form, and upgrade the new normal weapon. You can also pack a punch as many weapons as you want in a single game but you can only have two weapons at a time. SpiderBite from NextGenTactics pack a punched 15 different weapons in a single game.

But I Pack-a-Punched ALL the guns in one game. By the way, I got to round 67.
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Q: Can you pack a punch a gun twice in black ops zombies?
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What does pack a punch mean on black ops zombies?

It means you can upgrade your guns.

Does pack a punch in black ops zombies give you ammo?

yes it makes it better and gives you max ammo

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You stick em into the projector in the pack a punch room for an audio clip.

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Only in black ops zombies. You have to find a pack-a-punch machine to do that. There is one in the theater on the balcony.

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it unlocks it ...... or turn on all the death con switches

Can you pack a punch a weapon more than 1 in call of duty black ops zombies?

No just buy a new gun

Is that eminem on the cover Call of Duty Black Ops?

No it is you, mason. And the guns you are holding are the "mustang and sally" which is what you get when you pack a punch the M1911 on zombies.

Can you pack a punch twice in black ops 1?

Yes you can all you need to do is go through certain doors that follow the main story line and you can pack a punch up to three times.

How do you upgrade the stack out on call of duty black ops on zombies?

in kino der toten u will have to buy it then use the teleporter then just just pack-a-punch it in five u will have to activate all the defkons then just use the teleporter and pack-a-punch in ascencian you will have to use all 3 landers the got to the pack-a-punch room and just pack-a-punch if you want to pack-a-punch a weapon you will need 5000 points

How do you get high rounds on call of duty black ops 2 zombies?

Pack a punch the ballistic knife and the monkey bombs, and then do the safety dance.