You can get a Murkrow in Routes 7 and 16 at night, or at the Safari Zone Forest Area. After that, you can get a Dusk Stone to evolve it into Honchkrow.
in pokemon heartgold after you beat red and get your 2 starters you go to mr. pokemon and he'll give you the blue orb to kyorgre
In Pokémon Pearl, you can only obtain Dialga by trading it from Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.
Union cave is the best place to obtain a Sandshrew in Pokemon SoulSilver. You must either trade one from a HeartGold game, or catch it in the Safari Zone (desert area).
Pokemon 152 is chikorita, unfortuntly to obtain one other then from heartgold/soulsilver, Is to beat Pokemon Emerald, all Pokemon cuaght, and then you go to prof. Birch and he'll give u the choice of the 3 jhoto starters
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you cannot 'recatch' Dialga, but you can have multiple attempts if you save before battling Dialga. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, when you do the Arceus event, you automatically obtain your choice of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina.
No, you could only obtain the red orb in Pokemon Soulsilver and Blue Orb in HeartGold
i am sorry but you cannot obtain arceus in Pokemon heartgold or soulsilver.
in pokemon heartgold after you beat red and get your 2 starters you go to mr. pokemon and he'll give you the blue orb to kyorgre
You can't obtain Squirtle or any of its evolutions in Black or White, so you will have to migrate a Squirtle from Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. If you don't know how to obtain Squirtle in HeartGold or SoulSilver, you have to beat Pokemon Trainer Red, who is at the top of Mount Silver, and obtain all 16 gym badges. Then, Professor Oak will let you choose one of the Kanto Starters in Pallet Town. Hope this helped!
This is most likely not possible. Because the only way that I know of to obtain a Pokewalker you must buy Pokemon Soulsilver or Pokemon Heartgold. or you can buy it at
You can get one at the Pokeathelon(Right north from Goldenrod City.)Or on one of the routes.
In Pokémon Pearl, you can only obtain Dialga by trading it from Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.
After beating all 16 gyms, beat red in a battle, then Oak will give you one Kanto starter pokemon.
The Pokémon on the cover of SoulSilver is Lugia, a Pokémon which originated in the Gold/Silver era back in 1999. You can obtain it in either HeartGold or SoulSilver after getting the Silver Feather.
Nope! Only by trading him from soulsilver and heartgold! WARNING: YOU'VE GOT TO GET IT FROM FIRERED OR LEAFGREEN IN ORDER TO OBTAIN IT ON SS OR HG! Hope this helps! :)
Union cave is the best place to obtain a Sandshrew in Pokemon SoulSilver. You must either trade one from a HeartGold game, or catch it in the Safari Zone (desert area).
Obtain it from a gym leader.