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The following Pokemon evolve solely through friendship, and are unable to evolve through any other means:

  • Buneary, into Lopunny
  • Chansey, into Blissey
  • Cleffa, into Clefairy
  • Golbat, into Crobat
  • Igglybuff, into Jigglypuff
  • Munchlax, into Snorlax
  • Pichu, into Pikachu
  • Togepi, into Togetic
  • Riolu, into Lucario (during the day time 4am - 8pm)
  • Elekid, into Electabuzz
  • Magby, into Magmar
  • Eevee, into Umbreon or Espeon, either during the night or day
  • Budew, into Roselia (during the day time 4am - 8pm)
  • Chingling, into Chimecho (during the night time 8pm - 4am)

You can help it like you by walking around with it in your party, taking it to Amity square, giving it masages, taking it to the spa, avoid letting it faint, giving it a special hold item and feeding it berries.

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