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Q: Can you name a fruit or vegetable that begins with Y?
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What fruit or vegetable name begins with y?


Is there a fruit or vegetable that begins with y?

· youngberry

A fruit or vegetable beginning with the letter Y?

A yam is a vegetable that begins with "y". Youngberries are a type of fruit that also begin with "y".

Is there a vegetable that begins with Y?

A Yam

What fruit or vegetable beginning with y?


What Fruit that begins with y?

· youngberry

Fruit begins with y?

· youngberry

A fruit or vegetable letter y?


What fruits stars with y?

Youngberry is a fruit. It begins with the letter y.

A fruit or vegetable beginning with Y?

Vegetables that start with the letter y include yucca, yams, and yam beans. A fruit that starts with y is yuzu.

Is there any fruit or vegetable begining with y or r?

youngberry and raspberry are fruits

What is a name that begins with a Y?

A guys name that begins with a Y is either Yusuf or Yeller . . . You might not like them both.