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You can but you are only able to move them in a home in Shang Simla, not so much play with them.

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Q: Can you move to China on the sims 3 world adventures?
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It is in the Simla Market in the middle of the town.

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No the sims 3 World Adventures is not on the Wii, unfortunetly.

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The Expansion Pack after Sims 3 World Adventures is Sims 3 Ambitions

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Sunset Valley - The Sims 3 Riverview - Free off the Sims 3 Store (ea account required) Al Simhara, Egypt - World Adventures (Travel) Champs Les Sims, France - World Adventures (Travel) Shang Simla, China - World Adventures (Travel) Twinbrook - Ambitions Barnacle Bay - 1,650 simpoints off the Sims 3 Store (ea account required) Bridgeport - The Sims 3 Late Night

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What is better sims World Adventures or sims pets?

I think it would be Sims world adventures if you think about it Sims pets 1,2 and 3,it's getting quite old.

Can you have babies in Sims 3 world adventures on the ipod touch?

No, you cannot have babies on The Sims 3 or World Adventures. Sorry

What cities are on the Sims 3 World Adventures?

Egypt, China and France ^ Lmao, those are countries. The actual CITIES you visit are Shang Simla (which is in China), Al Simhara (which is in Egypt), and Champs Les Sims (which is in France).

How many countries are in the WA?

There are 4 Countries in the TS3 WA (The Sims 3 World Adventures) They are: - Home - Fance - Egypt - China