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Q: Can you make golems on creative mode?
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How do you make an end portal in creative mode?

same as survival mode

Is there lava in minecraft pocket edition creative mode?

yes you can. The seed is nyan. hit start (make shure you are in creative mode!) enjoy:)

How do you make a clock in mine blocks?

It kinda depends, if you have "Creative Mode," then probably. I have creative mode and there is a clock ,I believe. You should try getting creative mode. I don't know how, unfortunatly, but I'm sure you could enter this question, "How can I get creative mode on Minecraft?". Yep.... That's pretty much it! Great question! :)

How do you make a minecraft single player mod?

Play it in survival mode or creative mode. Don't press the multiplayer mode.

How do you use creative mode Minecraft?

Download the mode or change the play mode to creative.

Can you make an iron golem in creative mode on minecraft?

I don't think you can.

How do you get a horse on creative mode?

Either keep exploring and find one or go into the creative inventory and make one.

How do you make fire on the free minecraft?

You can't. Creative mode doesn't have fire. If your not talking about creative mode, I believe you just get Flint and Steel. Same way as full version.

What do you do if you break an end portal frame in creative mode?

Just make it again

How do you make nether reactor in creative mode?

with 3dimonds and 6 iron ingots

Is the creative mode on Minecraft Xbox?

at this time there is no creative mode on minecraft xbox edition

Can you get string in minecraft creative mode?

Yes, it is under "Materials" in the Creative Mode inventory.