Not as such. Apples are a random drop from Oak Trees. There is no apple tree.
There are no apple trees in any Minecraft versions, but in the latest update of Minecraft for Xbox apples drop from tree leaves.
Yes you can get Minecraft on an Apple Mac.
I do
Ah, in Minecraft, to help a tree grow faster, make sure it has enough space around it and is planted in good soil. You can also give it a boost by using bonemeal on the sapling, which will help it grow into a beautiful tree in no time. Just like in nature, with a little care and patience, your tree will grow tall and strong in your Minecraft world.
Minecraft Skyblock Survival is a custom map for Minecraft. In it, you are on a very small block of dirt with one tree and a chest with supplies in it. You can make a cobblestone generator and use the cobblestone to build and prosper.
How to make a apple in minecraft pe
There are no apple trees in any Minecraft versions, but in the latest update of Minecraft for Xbox apples drop from tree leaves.
flower + tree = apple
You need a sapling from a tree that spawn in the jungle.
Yes you can get Minecraft on an Apple Mac.
Yes, of course. Here's a few: I picked an apple from an apple tree. I get my apples from the orchard nearby, there's lots of apple trees there. That farmer is picking apples from that apple tree.
There are no candy apples in default/original Minecraft; you could mean the Golden Apple, if you mean that then; on a crafting table put a red apple in the middle and golden nuggets around it. If you want a Enchanted Golden Apple you have to put golden blocks around it. If you mean a candy apple you're using mods.
It will not make fruit
Roots, trunk, twigs, leaves flowers and fruit.
Depends on the server plugins but /bigtree (tree/redwood/etc.)