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Nope, if you want the dog to sit, just right click them.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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thx go well now i no?

organism, three-toed sloth, sloth, brown
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Q: Can you make a dog bed in minecraft?
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Can a dog on Minecraft have a bed?

No, but you could make one from your imagination with coloured wool blocks or stone slabs.

How do you make your person dream in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

You dont dream in minecraft you just jump out of bed when you have slept threw night.

How do you make a bed in Minecraft?

you can make beds now in 0.4.0 update

Can you make a bed on the iPad pocket minecraft edition?


What can you make with one wool and 20 wood on minecraft?

You can make a bed or a painting

Why must you make your bed?

Minecraft is a free roam game- There are no rules. You don't have to make a bed, they are simply useful to skip the night

Can you make a bed without using wool in minecraft?

No, you need wool.

How do you get baby minecraft human?

Make The Girl Sleep in The Bed and Press Shift.

How do you make a dog in minecraft?

Tame them with bones by right clicking them.

How do you make it stop raining on minecraft?

Use the command:/toggledownfallOr just sleep in a bed

How do you make my old dog comfortable?

Here are some tips - Make sure that your dog has a nice comfortable bed to lay in - Make sure that if it is winter that you have a blanket in his bed, imagine you sleeping in your bed without a blanket! - Make sure that the food you give him/her is suitable for your dog. - Make sure that your dog has some toys to call his own. - And most of all, he needs you!!!!

How do you place a bed in Minecraft?

Right click where you want to place it, make sure there is enough room for it.