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no, you can't, you just walk right through them :)

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Q: Can you kill an Aer whale?
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Can a ringed seal kill a killer whale?

no it can not kill a orca killer whale

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Can a blue whale kill a shark?

no, but a sperm whale can.

Can a sperm whale kill a killer whale?

No, They are not an *enemy

Why do killer whales kill living things?

For food. The Killer Whale is the only known whale to kill the blue whale.

Can a killer whale kill a dolphin?

yes a dolphin can kill a killer whale and they do to protect themselves from the whales

Can a giant squid kill a whale?

No. The giant squid is a common predator for whales.

What do people whale for?

People whale for money, food and the satisfaction of a kill :,((

What type is a kill whale?

A killer whale is a toothed whale in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae.

How can you kill killer whale?

by taking a gun that is made for underwater and shot the gun and the bullet will go in it and kill the killer whale

What can kill a whale shark?


Which whale can kill great white shark?

A Killer Whale or Orcanus Orca.