bonnies aer The bets
you can find the beluga,orca,narwal,southern bottle nose whale,humpback whale,north Atlantic right whale,pygmy sperm whale, Antarctic minke whale, gray whale, sperm whale and blue whale
Sperm whale is a whale species. It starts with the letter s.
are, ear, era
no it can not kill a orca killer whale
no, but a sperm whale can.
No, They are not an *enemy
For food. The Killer Whale is the only known whale to kill the blue whale.
yes a dolphin can kill a killer whale and they do to protect themselves from the whales
No. The giant squid is a common predator for whales.
People whale for money, food and the satisfaction of a kill :,((
A killer whale is a toothed whale in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae.
by taking a gun that is made for underwater and shot the gun and the bullet will go in it and kill the killer whale
A Killer Whale or Orcanus Orca.