No, the Wii isn't supported by Adobe Flash Player or Macromedia Shockwave.
you cant
Assuming you're talking about Flash Player, the latest version of Opera Browser for the Wii (Can get from wiiware) has the Flash Plugin built in! I would recommend the website for Flash games on the Wii! -SK Inventor
No, There is no Flash Player on the DSi, It dose work on the Wii
In order to use the Moshi Monsters website you will need to download, and install, Flash Player from Adobe.
There is a port in the back of the wii.
There is no way to install flash player for the DSi, because the DSi's hardware just isn't powerful enough.
I believe it's already installed onto it, but if it's not, you can't install anything through the Wii internet channel.
To play an Adobe Flash file on the Wii, got to File > Publish Settings. Under Flash Player Version, select Flash Player 8.
no wii does not have flash (adobe flash player) find a device with adobe flash player like a computer of course and youll most likely play it but wii does not have a flash system
There is no flash player
It's Adobe Flash Player not Macromedia Flash Player.
The Wii already comes with Flash Player built into the Internet Channel; probably version 6 or 7.
Open google and search metaface, and open the metaface website click to play any video, then you can install flash player in Opera browser, Really its work i have tried it.
The 3DS currently does not have support for Adobe Flash Player.
I think its 7
you cant