No the games Crackdown and Crackdown 2 are for the Xbox 360. Crackdown 2 will be released on July 6 2010 witch sucks cuz ps3 multiplayre is free and multiplayre is 1 of the main things for crackdown 2
sadly no online only :(
No, Crackdown is an Xbox 360 Exclusive
there is a trial for it if you click it and there is a try trial or something
Somebody has to have the old holster and gun used in have gun Will travel where is it
Barney wore his holster and gun on the right side.
In a holster.
Yes, but i think that there will be a Crackdown 3 because of the ending of Crackdown 2
Yes, if it does in Crackdown 1 the it will in 2.
Stellen Sie Ihre Waffe im Holster
A holster, case or sling.
Crackdown 2, because it has better graphics, armor, abilities, and weapons.
Refers to the retention level of the holster against someone trying to take it
Matt Dillon, played by Jess Arness in the popular television series "Gunsmoke", wore a single holster gunbelt. However, the toy gun kit comes with a double holster gunbelt.