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Q: Can you hold more than one weapon on halo reach?
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What kind of game play is in halo reach?

halo reach is going to be a little like real life.although halo reach will not be based on the halo book "the fall of reach".the game play in this game is awesome with more weapon and more power ups.also those who say yes it is based on the book,no.

Will there be another halo?

after Halo reach,there is no more In total, there is :Halo 1,Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo wars and Halo reach

What video game was more bought codmw2 or halo reach?

Codmw2 was probably bought more than halo reach because halo r is newer. Though I am a halo reach fan.

After halo reach is released and 343 industries takes over the franchise what will be the next halo game?

After halo reach there will no more halo games.

Is Halo Reach more popular than MW3?

Halo Reach has been the best seller but now MW3 is now popular than Halo Reach

How do you lower your weapon in halo?

In Halo: CE (aka. Halo 1), look straight down. Your spartan will be looking straight forward with his weapon lowered. In Halo 2, you must not be holding any grenades. Once you aren't holding any grenades, hold the button used to throw grenades (default LT). As long as you hold the button, your weapon will be lowered and you will no longer be able to use scopes on weapons. In Halo 3, things are a little more complex. You must simultaneously press and hold the following buttons on your controller: LB, RB, up on the D-pad, A, and you must click and be holding the left thumbstick in. When you press these buttons, your spartan will jump. Once you land, your weapon should disappear from your screen and you should only see the crosshair from your weapon. If it didn't work, keep trying. Once your weapon is lowered, you can switch between the two weapons you're holding. If you shoot your weapon or melee, your spartan will raise the weapon again.

How do you be covenant in halo reach?

You can only be an elite, nothing more just a spartan or an elite in halo reach.

How do you put your gun down on halo reach?

If it's a turret weapon, you can press 'B' to drop it, or press 'Y' to switch to another weapon and the turret weapon will be dropped.If you are dual wielding, press 'Y' to switch to another weapon and the left hand weapon will be dropped.If one or both of your two primary weapons are out of ammo, you cannot drop them, you can only replace them with another weapon with ammo or find more ammo for the weapon you have.If you mean 'lower' your weapon, you can only do it on local campaign mode. Press and hold the left and right bumpers (LB and RB) and down on the d-pad, then press 'A' to jump. When you land, your weapon should be pointing at the ground (until you fire it again). There are a couple of weapons that won't do this at all.

Will there be any more halo games after Halo 3 odst?

Yes, in 2010 Halo : Reach will come out.

Should you play halo or halo reach?

halo reach is one of the best yet but if you want to know more about the story go for halo combat evolved first and work your way through. :)

What will the Halo Reach beta do?

Let you play the multiplayer Beta of Halo Reach. If anyone could add a bit more then thanks

Will there be different guns in halo 4?

if you are refering to halo reach as halo 4 yes, yes their is... some examples: plasma repeater (its a more rapped versoin of the plasma rifle and has auto vent, focus rifle (its a laser basicly),gernade launcher , duel wealding is gone (not a weapon)and i thinks their might be more but i don't think so...