No you cant but if you want to know how to clean up : light a fire and throw it in.
your sims can't get married in the sims 2 Castaway for the DS.
all you do is go to your phone click service and a box shpould pop up it should say maid in that box click on it and itll ask you if you want to hire a maid and you just click yes
You cant
first you have to make a water carrier an then fill it & take it to the plant
once you get ms.weeder every thing you can trade her seeds she has bamboo seeds
No, your sims can not become a maid in the sims 2.
NOpe :-(
You can not
no. sorry
your sims can't get married in the sims 2 Castaway for the DS.
all you do is go to your phone click service and a box shpould pop up it should say maid in that box click on it and itll ask you if you want to hire a maid and you just click yes
Buy a phone in Buy Mode, under electronics. Click on the phone. Click Services. Hire maid. =]
Go to this link:
you cant get abducted its impossible
second and third island
Both and sell Sims 2 Castaways.
you punch a sim