Asking for personal information is not allowed on WikiAnswers. Asking for usernames or passwords for other sites is also not permitted.
Do not post any personal passwords or log-ons.
Yes. Ask them
USERNAME futbal1 PASSWORD slovanUSERNAME jj_monkeykid PASSWORD jellybeanUSERNAME ano13nie USERNAME anoanoanoUSERNAME holi12 USERNAME pandas
username linces password oliver
my username is my username razorcoolsuperman and my password is asdfghjkl
A username and password are secret names you create to access an account. The peruse of a username and password are that no one else can access your account.
i know someones password and username and i will tell you username: password password:go in this password and username NOW!NOW!NOW!NOW!
You type in the username and password.
No I think only the people who work there do.
winston 2007
This isn't possible.
Username: Flamariah Password: Blaze
Yes if you get his or her itunes password and username.
username: mikey908 password: worthyman124
It's not currently possible to change your Dizzywood username after you've registered. You can, however, create another account with a different username.
username=dbalcs999 password=javon999
To hack someone's page you must know their username and password but you also should know their personal information.
Well you must of typed in someones account