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Q: Can you have more than one house on sims 3?
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How many babies can you have at once in the same house in sims 3 ambitions?

You can have eight babies/ children if both parents are present ( currently living there) If you only one parent then nine children. either way, you can't have more than ten sims in one house hold.

In Sims 2 deluxe can you build more than a 2 story house?

Yes, on the Sims 2 Double Deluxe (for the PC or laptop friendly version) you can build a house that has more than two stories. There's a cheat I found online somewhere that you have to enter in. You have to specify the number of levels though. The house that I have has ten stories. I don't know if there's a maximum amount of levels you can build. Here's the cheat. ! Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window. Then type in "help". It should then list a bunch of cheats for you! The level one is on that list somewhere...I'm making the Cullen's house on the Sims 2 Double Deluxe :)

Can you install your Sims 2 on more than 1 computer?

Yes, you can install one copy of Sims 2 on as many computers as you want. However, you need the Sims 2 disc to start up the game. You can take this Disc out after you have gotten into a Neighbourhood and start up the other Sims 2, however, the Disc will be required for loading screens sometimes (Neighbourhood -> House etc.)

Which is better- Sims 3 or Sims 2?

Here's my opinion but I'll be very honest Sims 3 has a lot more realistic views and items but may lag because of the graphics Sims 2 has a lot more expansion packs and more places and items like fruit trees vampires werewolf's robots plantsims and zombies I like sims 2 more but sims 3 is better Chillichip here's my opinion: im starting to like the sims 3 more than the sims 2 because it's expanding with EPs and SPs. I bet every one will like the sims 3 more than 2 when the pets EP arrives!

Can you sell your house in the sims 3?

Yes you can sell your house in the sims 3. All you have to do is select your Sim cell phone and click on it. This will give you the option of selling your house and moving to another one.

Related questions

Can you have more then 6 sims on Sims 3?

Yes. One the PC game, you can have 8 sims to a house. However, on the Xbox 360 game, you can only have 6 sims to a house.

How many sims can you have on one house on the soms three?

on the sims 3 you can have 8 sims in one house, just like in the sims 2

In the Sims 3 can you have more than 1 Sim in your house that aren't related ex having two families in one house?

Probably, as long as its 8 people or less.

How many babies can you have at once in the same house in sims 3 ambitions?

You can have eight babies/ children if both parents are present ( currently living there) If you only one parent then nine children. either way, you can't have more than ten sims in one house hold.

How do you get your sims one to get married if they live in the same house for xbox?

how do you get your sims to get married if they live in the same house, for the sims one for xbox?

Can you have more than one boyfriend at once in sims 3?

you can have 3 because its sims 3!

Is the sims 1 good or bad?

the sims one is outdated, the sims 2 or 3 has much better graphics and more options and a lot more fun than the sims 1.

How can you have more than one kids on the Sims 3 for ipod touch?

You can't, but you can have more than one kids on the PC.

Can you have more than one kid in a house at a time in the Sims 3 Ambtions?

Yes of course you can you just need to have the appropriate cheat codes but i cant share them here i have more than a hundred but just search it on the web .

Can you have more than one baby on sims ambitions for iPhone?

No you can't

Can you have more than one kid in the sims 3 ambitions?


Can you have more than one baby in the original sims for PC?

yes you can