My brother has turtle beach headphones and always put's them on but we can still hear the sound from his tv so I would say you can hear the sound through tv.
Not at all, actually. Quite painful behind the ear. Also, its difficult to maintain a comfortable position for the glasses.
You go right next to the Hotel area entrance so your not on the beach, but still in the hotel place, and you use the dowsing machine. You do not go inside the building and use it, you go right outside the building, but not on the beach.
You can still turn off the sound on club penguin: Step 1:Press the edit account button Step 2:Click the "Mute music"button there its muted
The Walk through walls code for Gameshark is "010138CD". If you don't have a Gameshark but still wants to walk through walls, check the related link.
If the sound is coming from your speakers then it is definitely some program operating without your knowledge. If you mute the sound and it still makes that noise then there is something wrong with your hardware. Without hearing the sound it is hard to tell, but the parts most likely to make noise are the hard drive, the CPU fan, and the DVD drive.
No. Sound transmits by waves through matter/particles.
It really depends what mic you have. In this case if you have a ear set, (Sony, play station 3) brand, then you can still hear people in the headset and talk to them, but you can't here game play sound because that comes out of the TV. If you have a headset such as turtle beach and Astro's etc, you can still hear people and you can talk to them while listening to game play sound in the headset. If you're aiming for a mic, I would recommend buying a headset, because your sound is broken in the TV.
Yes, sound can still travel through absolute zero temperature because sound waves propagate by causing particles to vibrate, and these vibrations can still occur at very low temperatures. Sound can travel through different mediums, such as solids, liquids, and gases, regardless of the temperature.
It's bad if the turtle is still in it.
no, it's a mechanism for transmitting sound. and sound isn't limited to gas either. It can pass through solids (you can listen through a wall or a door) and through liquids (you can still hear when your ears are submerged in a bath or a pool)
I am trying to figure out the same thing about my turtle. I found him at the beach (and no he's not a sea turtle) about a year and a half ago, and he is still only about 2 inches big. But anyways the only thing I have been able to find out for sure is that if it has a red stripe on its cheak then it is a red eared slider. but this website might help:
Yes, sound can travel through glass. You can tell by tapping on the glass and listening for the sound vibrations to pass through it. Sound waves can propagate through the material, but the speed and transmission of sound may vary depending on the type and thickness of the glass.
Yes, the stomach of a turtle (the underneath part) is hard. It is also yellow and every turtle has slightly different markings on their underneath, which is how i tell my three pet turtles apart! Although the bottom of the turtle is hard, it can still be harmed by sharp objects and can still be felt by the turtle.
Sound can still travel through fewer particles because it propagates by causing the particles to vibrate and pass the energy along. Even in sparser mediums, such as in outer space, sound can still travel through the few particles present, but it may not propagate as effectively as in denser mediums like air or water.
They are called sound waves. Their name does not change just because they travel in water.
Be Still - The Beach Boys song - was created in 1968.