no ... well if you cheat you can and you can get deoxys but you have to have 6 badges i think cos you need 6 to get to mossdeep and that's were the space station is
You can't go to the moon in any Pokemon game including Ruby You can't go to the moon in any Pokemon game including Ruby
Skitty evolves into Delcatty through the use of a Moon Stone in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey
it is a skitty ok so if u have a moon stone and a skitty u can evole it into delcatty
The moon shard was in a Pokemon movie, and it was apparently given out as a Promo item, along with the sun shard.
You can't go to the moon in any Pokemon game including Ruby You can't go to the moon in any Pokemon game including Ruby
No Pokemon is 'on the moon', simply because you can't go there. Pokemon that come from the moon are;Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable.(Cleffa cannot be obtained in Ruby)
you cant its impossible
go to mavell city and talk to a lady
Skitty evolves into Delcatty through the use of a Moon Stone in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
you can't, only ruby Pokemon can go to diamod. but diamond Pokemon can't go to ruby
You can trade it with a Pokemon from Lg or FR,
You need to trade it with a Pokemon from LG or FR,
you dont go to jhoto in ruby
there are 200386 Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Ruby if you go to Nintendo Events.
in mt moon