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No, it is not possible to return to tutorial island once you teleport off of it.

Unless you have the glitch noclip which then allows you to walk on water

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Q: Can you go back to tutorial island in RuneScape?
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How do go to toturial island on RuneScape?

After the initial tutorial on RS (Which has now been discontinued) you cannot return to tutorial island.

Can you download runescape to a psp?

Yes. Go to Youtube and search for a tutorial.

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Either find one on the ground, or go to the tutorial.

How do you go to tutorial island on rune scape after the tutorial?

you still can if you have the glitch noclip you can walk over water

Need a good runscape accout?

The steps are: go to the RuneScape page, create your account, do the tutorial, start training your skills in your new account. Ask here, or contact me in RuneScape (player name "hilmarzo") if you need additional details for any of these steps.The steps are: go to the RuneScape page, create your account, do the tutorial, start training your skills in your new account. Ask here, or contact me in RuneScape (player name "hilmarzo") if you need additional details for any of these steps.The steps are: go to the RuneScape page, create your account, do the tutorial, start training your skills in your new account. Ask here, or contact me in RuneScape (player name "hilmarzo") if you need additional details for any of these steps.The steps are: go to the RuneScape page, create your account, do the tutorial, start training your skills in your new account. Ask here, or contact me in RuneScape (player name "hilmarzo") if you need additional details for any of these steps.

How do you get help in Poptropica?

You can always go on and go on the tutorial for a specific island, or go on google and type in a specific question for an island

How do you get to crash island on runescape?

To get to the Crash Island in RuneScape, you must be either in the process of, or are finished with the quest Monkey Madness. Crash Island is used to get to the Ape Atoll. To get to Crash Island, go to the Grand Tree. Then, go to the second level and go east. Speak to the Gnome with a mask on. He will bring you to the Hangar. Speak with the pilot near there, and he will bring you to the Crash Island.

Where the new dungeon in runescape?

If you are talking about the new skills dungeoneering dungeon. Then it is at the back of al kharid bank. You need to take a boat ride from there which will take you to island. You need to go on top of the island where you can start the game.

You lost your runescape account and password how do you get them back?

i go jagex ltd

How do you register for RuneScape?

Go to: You will have to put in a valid username/email or if you have a facebook you can create your account with it.2. You will have to go through the tutorial when your done you can start playing it

Why is the RuneScape tutorial harder then the game?

It shouldn't be. The reason Jagex has created the tutorial the way it is currently is because it covers many of the main controls you'd use ingame. It covers combat basics, skill training, how to make money and due to the scattered nature of the starting weapons armor and tools, it makes you go all over runescape to you get to know your way around :) Hope this helps.

How good is RuneScape?

Runescape is really, really excellent! You can never get bored of it because there are various challenges that you can do to have a high level! There are enemies to fight, people to meet and LOTS of places to go. You start off at tutorial island, which is (as the name says) the place where you have a tutorial of the game. Every few years the tutorial will change so if you forget you're Username and/or Password you can make a new Runescape account and try a different tutorial. That actually happened to me! I had one called Lollipop366. I forgot the Username and made a new one, Dreamerrush. I think the old tutorials are much more efficient than the new ones, but by now they could have made more! I hope this helped you! ~Rachel~ *Yep I am a video-game playing girl and proud of it* _____________________________________________________________________ To some people it is boring and most people think it is Awesome. It quite depends on the other people's opinions. But to me i think it's Awesome i rate it 9.8/10 and also on miniclip it showed that 87% of the people like Runescape