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no you can not you have to level it up

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Q: Can you give larvesta a stone to evolve?
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Can you evolve larvearsta with a stone?

No. Larvesta evolves into Volcarona at level 59.

What stone makes larvesta evolve?

Rare Candy. to Lv. 59.

When can larvesta evolve?

Larvesta can evolve on lvl 59

What stone makes lavesta evolve on pkmn black?

Larvesta evolves into Volcarona at level 59, not with a stone

What stone evovles a Larvesta?

It doesn't evolve by stone, but rather, by level up. It evolves at level 59.

What level does larvesta evolve at?

Larvesta evolves to Volcarona at Lev. 59.

How do you make larvesta evolve?

Larvesta evolves into Volcarona at level 59.

What level will larvesta evolve?

lv.59 is when larvesta will evolve and it will evolve into volcarona which can be found in relic castle lowest floor and deepest part.

How does larvesta evolve in Pokemon Black?

Larvesta evolves starting at level 59 in Pokemon Black.

What level does a larvesta evolve at?

Level 50

Who does Larvesta evolve into?

Into Volcarona at level 59.

What level does larvesta on Pokemon white evolve at?

At level 59, it will evolve into Volcarona.