Swap, trade, and exchange all mean to give and exchange mutually.
Always mutually.
to take a word and give each letter a word: for example: the word "cat" c-caterpillar a-apple t-tin
subscribe. :)
The word is "upper."
Find the girl's suite key and give it to her. Proceed to chase after her and receive your lava cookie.
The opposite of the word receive is give.
The usual antonym for receive is give. It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.
Mutually is the adverb form of the word "mutual".An example sentence with this word in it is: "the treaty was mutually beneficial to all those who signed it".
Anything mutually related to one another.
The word "receive" is a verb.
The help I receive from Wiki Answers is indispensable to my assignment
Most city employees receive a generous pension upon retirement.
Mutualism is the symbiotic interaction between different species that is mutually beneficial;
No, the word 'receive' is not a noun at all.The word 'receive' is a verb, a word for an action (an action verb).The noun forms of the verb to receive are:receiver, a word for a person;receipt, a word for a thing;reception, a word for a thing;receiving (a gerund), a word for an act, a word for a thing.
The term interdependent is an adjective meaning mutually dependent; relating to two or more people or things dependent on each other. Synonyms include mutualist and mutually beneficial.
It must be "mutually exclusive" since "non mutually" does not even mean anything!