Yes, you can get your sims (sims3) anorexic, you can look on YouTube how, i don't know.. Sorry, but it is very possible.
You can not make a Sim anorexic.
unlike in the sims 2, your sims can not be abducted in the sims 3.
It may take a While but if you got to the and look for sims... i bet ther will be a sim downloaded with skater hair
you can download i from EA ( it's free
You can not make a Sim anorexic.
They can't become anorexic.
on the sims 3 exchange
unlike in the sims 2, your sims can not be abducted in the sims 3.
you can't
in the sims 3, your sims can not become vampires.
Yes It is called Sims Social... It is not as good as the origanal Sims, Sims2, and Sims3.
no the sims3 is only on PC
Of course you can. (:
You can get it from the sims3 website .