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I do not think you can. To the best of my knowledge, it is only obtainable after completing the Hoenn Dex on Emerald, and then you are approached by Elm, who offers you one of the Johto Starters.

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Q: Can you get typhlosion in Sapphire?
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How do you get typhloisen on sapphire?

in which game? and verison? EDIT BY BABYMIP: The first answerer is stupid. He says Sapphire! Back to the question. You must have emerald. In emerald, you get the National Dex and go to Birch. He'll give you a Johto starter. Pick Cyndaquil and train it to LV. 14 to evolve it. Then train the Quilava to Lv. 36. Trade the Typhlosion to your Sapphire, and there you have a Typhlosion.

Where is larivitar in Pokemon Ruby?

Larvitar is not in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald naturally. However, you can get a typhlosion if you trade it from Pokemon Colloseum.

Pokemon Sapphire what is the samething as blaziken?

blaziken. it's the fire starter for emerald, ruby, and saphire. Charizard, and Typhlosion are the other fire starters.

What is the evolved form of cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava, which evolves into Typhlosion.

What type of Pokemon is Typhlosion?

Typhlosion is a Fire type pokemon.

Who would win in a fight between Typhlosion and Muk?

Here is a battle of typhlosion and muk. Typhlosion uses fire blast, causing damage to muk. Muk uses sludge bomb, almost killing typhlosion. Typhlosion uses dragonclaw on Muk, killing it. In this case Typhlosion wins, but gets badly hurt by muk.

What level does Typhlosion evolve into?

Typhlosion does not evolve any further. However, Quilava can evolve into Typhlosion at level 36.

Can typhlosion evolved?

sorry it cant evolve

What level does typhlosion evolve?

Quilava evolves into Typhlosion at level 36.

Can typhlosion breed?

Yes, the easiest way is with another typhlosion or with a ditto.

What level does quilava evolve into typhlosion?

A Quilava will evolve into a Typhlosion at 36.

How do yao catch typhlosion on Pokemon pearl?

1 way is 2 trade it from Pokemon colloseum onto a GBA game (firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire, emerald) and then migrate it on2 diamond/pearl.