Currently, there is no Nazi Zombie map named "Lighthouse".
The person who answered above was sadly misinformed, as there is a "Lighthouse" map, however it is not an official map and rather a custom map made by someone with modding tools.
It is my understanding that the lighthouse in the map "Lighthouse" is outside of the barriers and therefore the only way to get to the lighthouse is by using hacks or cheats to get past the barriers and move to the lighthouse.
Otherwise, there is no way to get to the lighthouse.
No they do not have Zombie Mode a Map where you have only Zombies. Those are for World at War and Black OPs apparently yes but you kill zombie dogs and different zombies not nazi zombies
Of course! but like all things, it is a little dirty. It's pretty simple: just sign in as a friend who already has it
the biggest zombie map that is out right now is proabably moon or call of the dead
I am assuming that you have to get a program that allows you to edit maps and stuff like that. It is possible without being a Treyarch imployee because people have made many custom Nazi Zombie maps.
Ascension or call of the dead
what map?
PS2 does not have a Nazi Zombie map see related link
For Call of Duty Nazi Zombies, Unternacht is a zombie map. Verruckt is another zombie map. The game has map packs that players are able to purchase.
Der Riese is the last Nazi zombie map on World at War.
No and by the way they're called hellhounds.
3 months
The Rise.
it is already out
The Nazi Zombies is over, in black ops 2 they said they were creating a new zombie story line. There will be no more Nazi Zombies.
3, there is one zombie map in each map pack.