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Currently, WolfQuest is not supported on mobile devices, including tablets, smartphones and mini-computers (notebooks and netbooks aren't officially supported). At the time of answering, it can only be played on computers.

However, the developers are considering expanding the game to be compatible with tablet devices for "less than $5". More information has yet to be released regarding supported operating systems, but at the moment, the team is leaning towards iPad with consideration for Android devices. (Refer to related links for further reading.)

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Q: Can you get the game Wolf Quest on your tablet?
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Is wolf quest a virus?

No, Wolf Quest is a safe and free game.

Can you download wolf quest on your tablet?

i tryed but nope it doesnt work... :(

Where can you get wolf quest the game?

Search Wolf Quest on google and then you will get options to download it.

Is there a game where you are an animal and have to try and survive and has good graphics like wolf quest?

no there is not a game like wolf quest

Is wolf quest game free?

Yes, it's free, I downloaded it from the Wolf Quest website. If you type in wolf quest on Google, the first link - that's the official website. You can download it on there by clicking 'get the game'. It's a good game.

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Can wolf quest be a xbox360 game?

yes it is

Is there a ds game called WolfQuest?

well i don't really. know but wait there is no wolf quest for ds game .sorry guys who love wolf quest :(

Is the game wolf quest free download?


Any games like wolf quest that do not need download?

Hi actually i know of a game no download its like wolf quest its called wolf haven

When you first go to wolf quest and logg on how do you get started on the game?

click start new game and create your WOLF!

How do you get to wolf quest?

Go to Internet type in Wolf Quest. Click on the first thing you see. Download game. Then get multiplayer. Trust me it is fun!