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Both Orbs can be found in Mount Cornet in Pokemon platinum. Bring a Pokemon that knows waterfall and surf, and follow the usual path to get to Spear Pillar. However, when you get to the wall where there are two rock climbs in a row (it's outside, close to where Spear Pillar is, I believe), only climb the first wall. Head right, and surf in the lake. Use waterfall and then enter the cave, and you'll find the orbs.

Go to Celestic Town and look at the Ruins. (Make sure you have caught/defeated Heatran first and gained the National Pokedex.) Cynthia will come and talk about the Pokemon. You will then be able to catch them at Spear Pillar. Enter the Blue Diamond thing, and you'll fight Dialga. Leave Spear Pillar, come back, and a pink portal will be there. From there, you will fight Palkia.

No!You dont have to defeat/caught Heatran

You must get the two orbs and talk to the old woman at celestic town



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Q: Can you get the adamant orb in Platinum?
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Where can you find the Adamant Orb and the Lustrous Orb in Pokemon platinum?


Where is the adamant orb on Pokemon plantinum?

The adament orb in platinum is in mt. Coronet

Where do you find the adamant orb in Pokemon platinum?

you find the adament orb in the cave near the to of mt.coronet

How can you get the platinum orb in Pokemon diamond without transfer it from Pokemon platinum?

There's no way you can. It disppears when you trade the Giratina holding it. there is no platinum,pearl,or diamond orb its called the GRISEOUS orb,adamant orb and lustrous orb

Pokemon pearl How do you get the admin orb?

You can only get the Adamant Ord in Pearl if you trade a Pokemon over from Diamond holding an Adamant Orb, or if you hack the game. There is no legitimate way to get the Adamant Orb in Pearl, as Dialga will only appear in Diamond and Platinum.

Do you need the adamant yo get to spear pillar?

if by adamant yo you meen adamant orb then no but to get dialga in platinum then yes it is located in the room above the waterfall at mt coronet along with the lustrus orb needed for palkia

How do you find the adamant orb in Pokemon platinum?

on the way to Spear Pillar, there is a cave opening that you need surf and Waterfall to get to. Use surf, and then waterfall, and then go into the cavern. Inside you will find adamant orb and lustrous orb.

Where do you find the lustrous orb in Pokemon platinum?

You find it in mt.cornet and u find it right beside the adamant orb for palkia and dialga

Can you get more than one Adamant and Lustrous orb in Pokemon Platinum?

no if you have cheats you have a 23%chance

Where do you find a adamant orb in pearl?

I'm sorry, :( you can onlt get the adamant orb (for dialga) in diamond a platinum. You are stuck with the lustrous orb (for palkia). Although the lustrous orb is obtainable in platinum aswell! So is the griseous orb (for giratina) which allows giratina to appear in it's origin forme outside of distortion world and it strenghthen giritina, ( as do all the other orbs. So sorry you can't.

Where can you get the adamant orb in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of darkness?

the adamant orb isn't found in pmd2. its only found in Pokemon diamond and platinum only the adamant orb is found on spear pillar in diamond( the top of where you find Dialga in Mt Coronet) In platinum, you would need waterfall to get to it in mt coronet In Black/White, cross the marvelous bridge for the first time. The shadow triad will give it to you.

How do you capture dealda and Palkia on Pokemon platinum?

Take the Adamant Orb(Dialga) and the Lustrous Orb(Palkia) to the top of spear pillar and you can catch them both