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Q: Can you get ss5 goku in dragon all z budokai 3?
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Is ss5 Goku in dragon raging blast2?

SS5 does not exist as it was made by a fan of dragonball series after the end of the series for the fake dragonball af no no you can't as it was created by a fan.

How do you get ss5 im budokai 3?

How do you get ss5 in budokai 3?there is 1 ssj5 its gogeta i think in budokai 3 budokai tenkaichi 1,2,3 you can get him it dosent say ssj5 gogeta its ssj4 realy but here is how to get it first you know people on the game have different costumes you have to have ssj4 gogeta second costume and then he's a ss5

Who is stronger SS5 goku or LSS4 brolly?

winner:SS5 goku

Can Goku turn ss5?


Who is stronger goku or xicor?

Goku because Goku beat Xicor even tho Xicor was part god and reached ss5.Goku also reached ss5 and beat Xicor with a fierce kamehamaha.

After Dragon Ball gt What is next?

after dragon ball gt is either dragon ball Kai or dragon ball af. Dragon ball Kai is the new remake about dragon ball z and gt combined and changed. It will have new features and will have cool new stuff. I've read about it and hears about it. Dragon ball af is supposed to be coming out after gt because of the new enemies and new transformations and fusions including bardock ssj, raditz ssj, broly ssj 4, broly ssj 5, goku ssj 5, vegeta ss5, cell and kid buu fusion, cell and freiza fusion, kid buu and freiza fusion, gogeta ss5, goku ssj6, goku ssj7, goku ssj8, goku ssj9, goku ssj10, goku ssj11, goku ssj12, vegeta ssj6, vegeta ssj7, vegeta ssj8, vegeta ssj9, vegeta ssj10, vegeta ssj11, vegeta ssj12, and gogeta ss12. that's all i know but its supposed to happen.

What is the fusion to get ss5 Goku in dbzbt2?

it happened when ss4 Gogeta fused with ss1Go-tanks and Gohan

Are you sure about af comes after dragon ball gt?

Well yeah, It's a fan based manga made by fans. Hopefully I've answered your question but if you want to now what happens in this series. It's like this a new saiyan comes to earth and is evil. Goku returns in his adult form and is greeted by all his friends. When goku sleeps off the journey gohan ss4 and vegeta ss4 are fighting this saiyan but are soon defeated. Goku awakes and finds this saiyan and fights him till the saiyan claims he's a ss5 because he defeated a ss4. But goku then shows him a ss5 and then is defeated

Is there a super saiyan 3?

Yes, only Goku and Gotenks (Goten + Trunks) achieved it. There is also a SS4 which Goku and Vegeta achieved. There is a fan illustration of Goku SS5 but there is no story to go with it.

How do you beat majin vegeta on Dragon Ball Z infinite world?

you use goku super sayien 5 and use kame hame ha only way to kill him (new subscriber) dude, what the hell is wrong with you? there is no ss5

Is there a Goku ss5?

No, and speaking canonically there was not even a Super Saiyan 4 Goku. Anything above Super Saiyan 4 is fan made without the influence of Akira Toriyama in any direct way, however Dragonball GT is still a project that was worked on and influenced by Akira Toriyama.

How do you get a ss5 in Dragon Ball Z tenkaichi 3?

you sniff the paint son POW! MYSPACE!