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Of course you can. Go to your local Walmart, ebgames, bestbuy, futureshop. Any PC gaming store will have it. And if not you can order a disc version off the steam store.

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Q: Can you get left 4 dead 2 on a disc for PC?
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How do you get left 4 dead 2 on PC?


Will left 4 dead 2 be for ps3?

Hell Naw Left for Dead 2 is for the Xbox 360 and PC's with a release on November 17 2009 and Left for Dead 2 : The Passing released for Xbox 360 and PC's on April 22 2010

Is left for dead 2 on ps3?

Left 4 Dead 2 was released for Xbox 360 and PC.

Is the game left 4 dead out on ps3?

No it is a Xbox 360, PC game and will not be out on the PS3 and neither will left for dead 2

Is l4d3 going to be on the PS3?

Left for Dead and Left for Dead 2 are Xbox 360 and PC games

What systems can left 4 dead 2 be played on?

Xbox 360 and PC.

Will there ever be left for dead 2 for the PS3?

No it is a Xbox 360/ PC exclusive

Is left 4 dead 2 on DS?

No, only PC and Xbox 360

Is left 4 dead 2 on ps3?

No, it's on Xbox 360 and PC.

When does Left 4 Dead 2 come out on PC in England?


Can you play left for dead 2 on playstation?

No I'm sorry Left 4 Dead is only Xbox 360 and PC. : )

Do you get unlimited ammo in left for dead 2?

if you have a PC you can open the console and put in cheats