No you have to trade from fire red or leaf green. Tried myself but did not get it.
in the safari zone area 4
i do not think you can catch one in the safari zone.
The safari zone warden is in his house in the safari. he is the warden of zone 3.
The Safari zone is in fuchia citythe same place as fire red, Fuchsia City.the safari zone is in Fuschsia City.
You can get in Routes 7 (west of Saffron City), 8 (west of Lavender Town), 36 (west of Violet City), 37 (south of Ecruteak City), and 48 (south of the Safari Zone).
Growlithe cannot be found in Pokemon SoulSilver, not even in the Safari Zone. It can only be found in HeartGold.
In front of goldenrod and the safari zone In heartgold.
You can't catch one in SoulSilver. But you can catch it in HeartGold by the Safari Zone.
I think you can get a Growlithe just outside the Safari Zone Gate. Otherwise you'd have to trade a Growlithe from Heart Gold. ( Growlithe was replaced with Vulpix in Soul Silver.) Hope this helped! :)
After beating the elite 4, new areas in the Safari Zone will be unlocked. Walk around wild grass in Areas 5 &6. Hope this helped!
roam in the safari zone. there is no exact place where you find a phanpy in safari zone
ruby, common in safari zone sapphire, common in safari zone emerald, common in safari zone
You can find a Jigglypuff in the Johto Safari Zone in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver in the Meadow and Swamp areas of the Safari Zone.
Baboa is the owner of the safari zone.
The Safari Zone is in Fushia City.
In the safari zone wetlands
You can't get a larvitar in the safari zone.