The G represents your gamerscore which is the xbox way of rewarding you for completing achievements. In most games there is a 1000 Gamer points to be won.
what is gamer Id
No. A gamer is someone who plays games, that does not mean he is a gamer.
If your refferring to Microsoft Points. Than they are points you buy with a credit card or from a store that allow you to buy game add ons such as maps, themes, and gamer pictures.
Retro Gamer was created in 2004.
No, there isn't a specific reward of a free theme or gamer pictures for beating 'Splosion Man. However, some games may offer in-game rewards or achievements upon completion.
Some games allow you to unlock gamer pictures. But to download gamer pictures, you will need Xbox live.
25G is the gamer score (known as achievements). All games have this gamer score.
You gain achievement points for completing achievements, thus raising your gamer score.
The pictures of the Filipino heroes including their achievements can be found in the history books. The pictures can also be found in the internet.
You buy the great pictures off of the xbox live store.
Either the marketplace or take a picture of your avatar.
You get gamer points on = oblivion by completing the game and by getting to the top of the guilds in the game =
What you do is you get achievements to check how to get each achievement you go to the xbox guide go over the left one and then check the achievements if you need help getting them I'm part of an achievement helping group called Nova Help send me a message at UltimateBeast17 if you want help
The gamer score does not tell someone how good a player is. The gamer score only shows people how many games they have played and what achievements they have gained when playing the game.