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I'm pretty sure that you have to trade it between emerald, ruby, and/or sapphire. You can't get both with one game (I think). You can get them both in Pearl and Diamond, though.

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Q: Can you get both deepseascale and deepseatooth?
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What is better deepseatooth or deepseascale?

Depends on what you want your clamperl to be, Deepseatooth=Hauntail Deepseascale=Gorbyss (or howeverit's spelt)

How do you evolve clampearl in Pokemon pearl?

Trade it holding the DeepSeaTooth or the DeepSeaScale. DeepSeaTooth will give you Huntail, DeepSeaScale will give you Gorebyss.

When evolve clamperl?

you trade it with a deepseatooth or deepseascale

What does deepseatooth or deepseascale do on ruby?

They evolve Champerl to Huntail(need to trade Champerl with deepseatooth) or Gorebyss (need to trade Champerl with deepseascale). I love Gorebyss!

Deepseatooth or deepseascale?

If you want a Huntail, get a DeepSeaTooth. If you want a Gorebyss, get a DeepSeaScale. To evolve Clamperl, trade it while it's holding one of those items.

How do you evolve a Clamperl in Pokemon Emerald?

Clamperl evolves by holding a DeepSeaScale or a DeepSeaTooth and then trading it to another game, a DeepSeaTooth evolves it into a Huntail and a DeepSeaScale evolves it into a Gorebyss.

How can you evovle clamperal in SoulSilver?

You either need a DeepSeaScale or DeepSeaTooth

What does the deepseaclaw do in Pokemon Sapphire?

The deepseaclaw is not an item there is a deepseascale and deepseatooth.

Where can you find a deepseascale and a deepseatooth on emerald?

i think you get it from steven.If now then sorry i dont know. :( <-----That's not right. You have to get the scanner first in the abandoned ship and you trade it to Captain Stern for a deepseascale or a deepseatooth.

Does Clamperl evolve on Diamond?

It can by trading it while holding a deepseascale or deepseatooth.

How do you get clamperl to evole?

It must be traded while holding deepseatooth or deepseascale.

What level does clampirl evolve?

Clampearl doesn't evolve on any level, you need to traded it holding deepseatooth or deepseascale. Deepseatooth makes Clampearl evolve to Huntail and deepseascale makes Clampearl evolve to Gorebyss.