Yes two ways by constantly grabbing your starter and if its not shiny turn off the game and try again or constantly breed your evolved starter with a ditto until the baby is shiny.
Luck. You have a 1 in 8,192 chance of your starter Pokemon to be Shiny.
No, simply save your game right before you choose which starter pokemon you want. But be warned you can spend several thousand restarts searching for a shiny starter..
You dont
First, pick the starter then after you get it, check it picture to see if its shiny or not. If it is, good job. If it wasn't, good luck next time. The chances are very VERY slim to get a shiny starter.
It's possible yeah.
Luck. You have a 1 in 8,192 chance of your starter Pokemon to be Shiny.
Save in front of where you get your starter Pokemon, then reset until your chosen starter is shiny.
No, simply save your game right before you choose which starter pokemon you want. But be warned you can spend several thousand restarts searching for a shiny starter..
I believe you can but it will be really rare.Or if ur lucky and have a ditto you can breed it with the starter you already have to get a shiny from an egg.
You dont
First, pick the starter then after you get it, check it picture to see if its shiny or not. If it is, good job. If it wasn't, good luck next time. The chances are very VERY slim to get a shiny starter.
no but you can get shiny starters throughout the game
save right in front of the pokeball and turn off the power and back on to see if you get a shiny starter
First: You get to the part where you get the starter. Second: save before you open the present, briefcase, etc. Third: check its summary, and if it isn't shiny, then do step 2-3 again until it IS shiny.
Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil.