yes, when you enter the dungeon of exodia, you have to unleash your xargon warrior's special ability, and you will fight the grand challenger. after defeating him, take his 44th card(the crystal beast dragon) next go in any battle and special fuse it with the rainbow dragon. hope this helps :)
you cant :(, i used a cheat to get infinte copies of every card and i go real sick cards like the 3 god cards and sacred god cards, but sadly there were no crystal beasts or rainbow dragon...
you have to beat the game you have to beat the game
There are two easy ways to beat Jaden in spirit caller. First- you high 2000 defense monsters in order to summon the cards like Blue eyes white dragon or any other good card. second- If you have it use level monsters with a couple of level-ups and mist bodies.
from atticus have to battle him a lot
Once you reach level 22 in "Spirit Caller", you will unlock the booster pack "Wrath of Evil" which contains Cyber-Stein.
you cant :(, i used a cheat to get infinte copies of every card and i go real sick cards like the 3 god cards and sacred god cards, but sadly there were no crystal beasts or rainbow dragon...
You can't. The crystal beasts aren't on that game.
It is Dark Dragon Roar And Dark Dragon Roar 2.
no I've looked everywhere trust me
31786629. Passcodes for specific cards remain constant throughout most video games, meaning this passcode is not reserved only for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller.
Well there are 2 types of good crystal beast decks. First there is crystal swarm: 3x Sapphire Pegusus 2x Cobalt eagle (mainly to reuse pegasus) 2x ruby carbuncle 2x amber mammoth (protection) 3x amethyst cat (summoned with rescue cat) 1x rescue cat 2x summoner monk (for rescue cat or pegusus) 2x emerald tortoise (works well with amethyst) 2x kuraz the light monarch (crystallize your cb monsters and draw 2) 3x ancient city rainbow ruins (negate, draw, and then summon carbuncle for instant offence or defence) 3x crystal beacon 1x crystal promise 2x crystal tree 1x crystal blessing 2x crystal release 2x rare value 1x terraforming 2x lightning vortex 1x MST 2x smashing ground 2x needle ceiling 1x torrential tribute Then there is abundance otk: 3x sapphire pegusus 3x topaz tiger 3x amber mammoth 3x amethyst cat 1x ruby carbuncle 1x cobalt eagle 1x rescue cat 2x summoner monk 2x magical merchant 1x morphing jar 1x spirit reaper 3x crystal abundance 3x ancient city (only for draws and to negate negators. do not use the 5+ effect on carbuncle 3x crystal blessing (you'll get a lot in the grave with the following) 2x hand destruction (for blessing) 1x card destruction 2x crystal tree 3x crystal beacon (only for pegusus) 1x terraforming 1x torrential tribute EDIT: There is one more good Crystal Beast deck, it is based on Rainbow Dragon OTK, Ruby Swarm, and Crystal Abundance OTK. My current deck: 3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus 3x Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger 3x Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat 3x Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise 2x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle (good with Crystal Beacon, Crystal Promise, and Rainbow City) 2x Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle (To reuse Pegasus) 1x Rainbow Dragon 1x Gravi-Crush Dragon (Good with Crystal Blessing) 1x Magna-Slash Dragon (Good with Crystal Blessing) 3x Crystal Abundance 2x Crystal Promise 3x Crystal Beacon 2x Crystal Release 2x Crystal Pair 1x MST 1x Dark Hole (Perfect with Beacon, Carbuncle and Promise) 1x Torrential Tribute (Perfect with Beacon, Carbuncle and Promise) 1x Fissure 3x Crystal Blessing (Good with Magna-Slash Dragon, Gravi-Crush Dragon, and Crystal Raigeki) 2x Crystal Raigeki 1x Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins 2x Crystal Tree (Perfect with Abundance and Rainbow City) 1x Rainbow Gravity (Perfect with Rainbow Dragon's second effect) TOTAL: 46
you have to beat the game you have to beat the game
you can't
There are two easy ways to beat Jaden in spirit caller. First- you high 2000 defense monsters in order to summon the cards like Blue eyes white dragon or any other good card. second- If you have it use level monsters with a couple of level-ups and mist bodies.
search yugioh wikia in google and go to the card ruling section and search for spirit caller......
Dragon Spirit happened in 1987.