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Q: Can you get Slowpoke in Emerald?
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How do you get slowking in Pokemon emerald?

what you have to do is catch a slowpoke, then find a king's rock and make your slowpoke hold it. get another copy of emerald, or ruby and Sapphire will work fine, and then trade your slowpoke, and watch it evolve into the magnificent slowking. ENJOY YOUR NEW POKEMON

How do you get a slowpoke in emerald?

By trading it through Pokemon fire red or Leaf green

Where do you get slowpoke in pokemon emerald?

After getting national Dex, simply trade from Fire red or Leaf green.Actually slowpoke can't be found in Fire Red...can only be caught in the Leaf Green version.-SatoresYou can't get a slowpoke on emerald but you can trade one from Pokemon fire red and leaf green. I think you can find them in the water.You cannot get a Slowpoke,Slowbro or SlowKing in Pokemon Emerald Verion for Game Boy Advance SP.You have to trade it via Fire Red Version.that's how I got my SlowKing.In Pokemon Firered you can get slowpoke in Seaform islands.You can get there by sufring right off the coast of Cinnabar Island.You can evolve slowpoke to slowbro by training it to level 37 and then evolve slowbro to slowking by trading it holding a kings rock.

Where does the name Slowpoke come from?

Errr... Slowpoke comes from slowpoke.

How do you evolve slowpoke to slowking?

Slowpoke evolves into Slowking by attaching a King's Rock to Slowpoke and then trading the Slowpoke to another player.

Who trades a slowpoke to you?

people who like slowpoke

What Pokemon is in slowpoke well? you can tell slowpoke are in it have you ever got an idea that maybe since there is only slowpoke in it then that's why its called slowpoke well......

How do you get to slowpoke wall in HeartGold?

If you mean Slowpoke Well then you have to go to Kurt's House in Azalea Town and then talk to Kurt. He will go to Slowpoke Well and you can go to Slowpoke Well. If you mean Slowpoke Wall, there is no such thing

How do you get slowking in Pokemon soulsiver?

Trade a Slowpoke holding a King's Rock and it will evolve. You can get a Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well.

How do you get slowpoke with me first in HeartGold?

You get it surfing in the Slowpoke Well.

What is the equivalent of slowpoke in firered?

The equivalent of Slowpoke is Psyduck.

How do you get slowpoke in HeartGold?

Slowpoke can most commonly be found in the wild at the SLOWPOKE WELL just outside of ALZEA TOWN.