yes, after you beat trainer red, (ash), go to prof. oak's lab with an empty space in your party.
Pokemon HeartGold Will Have Sinnoh,Kanto,But Hoenn Least Likely.
Yes it is in the kanto region.
You can't.
He's on CInnabar Island in Kanto.
its in Lavender town
after you beat red in Mt.silver
The answer is yes!I have him.You get him from when you get to choose one of the kanto starters you choose charmander(like me)and then you evolve it.
you have to beat Red first then go see Prof. Oak. the Pokemon are all on level 5.
After beating all 16 gyms, beat red in a battle, then Oak will give you one Kanto starter pokemon.
Go to Mr.Pokemon after you've obtained the kanto starters and have the national dex and he'll give it to you.
Beat Red.Go to Professer Oaks house. Get Kanto starters. Than go to Mr.Pokemon's house. :)
no,but you do need all 8 kanto gym badges;~]
You will just receive 1 of the Kanto Starter Pokémon from Professor Oak in SoulSilver meaning you will need to choose between Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.
The Starters are Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita
after you defeat red in mount silver prof. oak will give you the kanto starters your choices are: water squirtle, grass bulbasaur, fire charmander. good luck with red.
Johto and Kanto
The first starters are obviously at the beginning of the game. (cyndaquil, totodile, and chikorita) Next starters are after you beat Red and The Elite Four. Go to Proffesor Oak and he gives you the Kanto starters (charmander, squirtle, and bulbasaur). Then you run into Steven and he gives you the Hoenn starters ( torchic,treeko, and mudkip)