Celebi's are only obtainable through Nintendo events you can use AR or a pokesav to get a Celebi as well.
It was originally to catch the event legendary pokémon, Celebi.
The GS ball has celebi in it but you can get it through a event or get it by entering an action relay code
after getting all the unowns at Ruins of Alph when you go in the Ruins of Alph a celebi comes
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
You can trade your Pokemon for a celebi.
where do you get celibi in soul silver
it was a pokemon event but if you have a action replay you can get it
very carefully
in japan version einstine
i thank that you get it in a Pokemon event but not really sure
Celebi cannot be found in the wild in Pokemon SoulSilver. Celebi is an event Pokemon, and can only be obtained through the event. You will have to trade for it or cheat for it to get it.
You must import it or do the Wi-Fi event.
It is an event
it takes you back in time
You cant it was a speacial event
Celebi's are only obtainable through Nintendo events you can use AR or a pokesav to get a Celebi as well.