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You can try buffing the scratches out, though you can always get a screen cover for your DS.

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Q: Can you fix scratches on the Nintendo DS' LCD?
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How can i Fix a Nintendo DS lite?

you probably would have to send your Nintendo ds lite to Nintendo company t fix it.

How do you fix Nintendo DS games?

go to gamestop and they will fix it

How hard is it to replace the lcd on a Nintendo DS?

The LCD can only be replaced by Nintendo repair technicians. Repairing it by yourself is not recommended by Nintendo. Replacing the LCD on a DS requires fine work by someone experienced with electronics. There are a number of components that are very easily damaged. Disassembly and reassembly are both fairly involved.

How do you fix the Nintendo DS?

la poopoo

How do you fix a broken LCD screen on a DS by yourself I have the tools but I don't know how.?

You can't fix with your own tools. You should bring to a local video game to exchange with your warranty. If you don't have a warranty certify DS with Nintendo to get a free 30-day warranty.

How do you fix a Nintendo DS that has been wet?

You should contact Nintendo Support.

How can you repair a Nintendo DS?

go to game stop ask them specifically "can you please fix my nintendo ds" or call nintendo and say the same thing

How do you fix a Nintendo DS if it Won't turn on?

Sharpeaustin: make sure that the battery is charged then turn on the ds using the switch on the right. Spearer: You have to mail it in to Nintendo for them to fix it, I think

How do you fix the left arrow on your DS?

take it to a Nintendo store

Where is a place that can fix my Nintendo DS?

maybe game stop

Can someone tell you how to fix your DS if your DS will not play DS games?

this is the EXACT same problem my friend had.. The answer.. it's just broken.. :( but you can send it in to Nintendo they'll fix it