In Pokémon SoulSilver, the Pokémon that is called Ponyta is available in the game but the earliest in the game that it can be found is in the Safari Zone which is by Cianwood City.
Level 40.
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
Zorua is a 5th generation Pokemon it is not available in soul silver.
you have to trade it from diamond to soul silver and you can't actually catch Roselia wild in Pokemon soul silver.
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league
Level 40.
Yes you can
It evoles into Rapidash at level 40.
== == == == At level 40 it evolves into Rapidashi think you have to get it to level 40
you probably meant " fire type Pokemon" well mostly the only fire Pokemon cyndaquil and its evelutions, same with charmander and co. ponyta, rapidash and houndour are some. same with moltres and houndoom.
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT
According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.
You can't do Pokemon contests in Pokemon soul silver.
Why Soul Silver is about the original Pokemon Silver game for game boy. Soul Silver has some more bonuses.
There is no Silver Apricorn...
pokemon heart gold and soul silver. and heart gold and soul silver legends