Yes you can in all three Sinnoh games, in Platinum it is a bit more hard to catch Ponyta since it has less chance of coming out in the wild, but yes you can
Route 206 , 210 , 211 , 214 , 215
Well, where can't you find Ponyta! By Solaceon Town mainly. Hope this helped :) (If it didn't either check your pokedex in Pokemon diamond or log on to and try there) You can find a ponyta in Pokemon Diamond,but if you need a Rapidash,try Route 214 (Which is next to Veilstone city) or Route 211 near Eterna city and beside the Cycling road. Hope this works and good luck.
route 206
In Yellow Version, Ponyta is found exclusively on Route 17; its encounter rate is 24%.
In route 211, use pokerader.
Route 206 , 210 , 211 , 214 , 215
Well, where can't you find Ponyta! By Solaceon Town mainly. Hope this helped :) (If it didn't either check your pokedex in Pokemon diamond or log on to and try there) You can find a ponyta in Pokemon Diamond,but if you need a Rapidash,try Route 214 (Which is next to Veilstone city) or Route 211 near Eterna city and beside the Cycling road. Hope this works and good luck.
chimchar (starter)ponyta (route 206, 210, 211, 214 and 215)if you're playing platinum, magmar (fuego ironworks)
route 206
You cannot find Ponyta. You must get a Rapidash from Route 12 and breed it
A Ponyta will be at Route 206,210,211,215 and Route 214!!!
In Yellow Version, Ponyta is found exclusively on Route 17; its encounter rate is 24%.
You can catch rainbow ponyta at the top left of route 7 or bottom right of route 7.Rainbow ponyta evolves into rainbow rapidash at level 50.
Route 211
In route 211, use pokerader.
the place with the highest leveled ponytas is the route under veilstone
all the Pokemon on route 210 in Pokemon diamond and pearl are ponyta, geodude and if your really lucky you can find onix.